Archive for the 'Blog' Category

Inward Houses

‘Inward’ Houses and Buildings I have recently been doing some research on various ‘theories’ on hauntings.  One of the ones I have stumbled upon caught my interest big time.  ‘Inward’ Houses and Buildings.  The theory behind this is that “Hauntings” happen most often in houses that ‘turn inward.’  By that they mean that the architecture […]

Wilma’s “Hooked”

The very first time I saw Ghost  Hunters on TV I was fascinated. I remember sitting on the edge of the chair transfixed by my television.  I was snarling at my family for walking in front of the TV and shushing them  for talking as I watched them walk around in the dark saying, “Did you […]

Emily Says…

The search for things paranormal is a most serious endeavor. There is a lot of scientific thought, gadget know-how, grueling hours and spontaneous bursts of show tunes. It is hard not to love a group that can make you giggle even amidst the scariest of situations.

The Time Factor!

Do people realize how much time goes into this passion we call ghost hunting?  Here’s the breakdown of an average in-town investigation! Initial call: 5 minutes Interview & walkthrough of location: 1 hour Organizing details of investigation: 1.5 hours Lining up team members Organizing and printing necessary paperwork Equipment prep (new batteries, make sure everything […]


We are now OFFICIALLY part of the TAPS family membership!  Check out the link!

Fort Caspar Tours

10 PRSC members, 3 Fort Caspar staff, 120+ people taking the tour, 5 hours of controlled chaos = ghost stories extravaganza! What a fantastic evening!  Initially, the commissary wasn’t on the agenda for this evening.  We opened it up because some people said they felt “weird” in there.  It’s a good thing we did!  Most of […]

Local Business Investigation

This was the third time we’ve investigated this particular location.  We investigated during prime conditions!  And…we just might have something on video.  Stay tuned for more info!

Newcastle, Wyoming & the Old Mill Inn & Restaurant

Wow!  What an amazing experience!  I knew that we’d have a good investigaton because the manager (wonderful Tim Lorenz) is a fellow paranormal enthusiast.  What was also awesome was talking to the people frequenting the bar & restaurant who had stories of their own.  The building itself was fantastic.  They still had the old milling machinery […]

Last Few Investigations

Holy cow!  I can’t even begin to describe everything that each person experienced on the last two investigations.  Because of the amount of activity that took place the first time, we set up a second investigation at the same location a few weeks later.  Without a doubt this location has been the most active location we’ve investigated.  And […]

Monday Night’s Investigation

We had some interesting activity take place at a townhouse on Monday.  I will be updating the “Investigations” page soon.  We originally met the gentleman that owns the townhouse the Friday of our “Paranormal Roadshow.”  These are a few of the pictures he brought.  Tell us what you think!             […]