Fort Caspar Meeting

by Lisa Lauderdale ~ September 19th, 2009

We met with the staff of Fort Caspar to come up with somes ideas for our fall presentation at the Fort Caspar Museum.  We collectively came up with some WONDERFUL ideas and will be releasing information about it soon.  One event requires the purchase of a ticket (proceeds go towards the museum!) and the other event simply requires a RSVP notice through our website.  As soon as PRSC receives the approval from Fort Caspar we will post the details.  Stay tuned! 

And remember, if you attended the last presentation you understand how many people wanted to be part of the program!  We had so many people attend that we had to turn some away.  Please don’t let that happen to you! 

If you’d like to keep up-to-date with the Fort Caspar Museum’s events, please follow the following link.

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