Haunted Tour 10/24/09
by Lisa Lauderdale ~ September 24th, 2009
Date: Saturday, October 24
What: Haunted Fort Caspar Tour
Time: 7 PM to 11 PM (with last tour group ending at midnight)
What: Public is invited to stop by the fort at their allotted time to take a tour of the fort and listen to the ‘ghostly stories’ of the people who have experienced phenomena at this location. The public is warned that some subjects may not be suitable for children but there is no age limit. Groups are limited to 10 people with 2 tour guides per group.
Cost: $3.00 per person; Tickets go on sale October 13. They must buy the tickets AT the Fort Caspar museum. They will receive a tour time at the time of ticket purchase. With each ticket purchase they are entered into a raffle that will be held at the end of the night! You need not be present to win.